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Emily Drooby

As many of you may know the Children's Miracle Network is the official national platform for the Miss America Organization. I am currently trying to raise funds and awareness for this amazing cause. Please click the icon to find out more.
Children's Miracle Network
Click here to
donate to the
Children's Miracle Network

People's Choice
Help me make the top 11 by voting for me for your people's choice award! Every $1 is a vote! The money benifits the amazing Miss New York Organization!
Photo by Robbin Manuel
Click for Website

Follow my Journey

Working with Pets for Vets

Running with Achilles

Clifton Park Firehouse Breakfast

VFW event & hospital visit!

DragOn's High Society Event

InTandem official guide!

Eating at the Commons!

Judging a scholarship competition

Love my sisters

Running with Achilles!


National Pancake Day!

Keeping NYC beautiful with NYCares

Speaking with community leaders
On Miss America Serves Day!

Culinary Explorers at ABC

Miss NY Class of 2016!


Best sister

National Pancake Day!

National Pancake Day!

Sweeper Pageant

Sweeper Pageant

Hanging with my teen

Sister Queen <3

Platform, where to donate, upcoming events, and more coming soon.
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